Some may have minor blemishes or defects, which Stone Age Gamer will not cover return shipping costs for if the customer chooses to return this product for minor blemished or cosmetic defects. Conditions of cartridges/discs may vary, but most are in good overall condition. Used games do not include any boxes or instruction manuals unless otherwise stated. Picture(s) are for representational purposes only. Terminate the T-1000 (steel mill metldown!). Save humanity (while Uzi-armed SWAT teams try to blow you away). The Sega Genesis has become a generic symbol for many gamers. tow-rig plows your Harley into tomorrow). Enjoy playing Terminator 2 - Judgement Day (JUE) for Sega Mega Drive on RetroMania. equipped with on-screen target search displays, a lever-action Winchester, and 10 barrels of high explosives.

Against it stands one hope: you, a terminator model T-800. It can take any shape and survive almost any injury (even when a 10-gauge shotgun blast opens it up like a tin can). Terminator 2: Judgment Day NES Game - cartridge/disc only.